Icarus Digital Math
Revolutionary aeroscience: Reliable simulation with Euler*
Today the industry does not trust aerodynamics simulation - calls it "Colorful Fluid Dynamics"
Euler aerodynamics makes simulation reliable - direct simulation of natural laws
You can now reliably design, optimize, certify and innovate aircraft, wind turbines, ships, etc. in the web browser, 100x faster and cheaper than industry standard.
- Strong NASA recognition of breakthrough Euler aerodynamics from NASA Branch Chief of Computational Aerodynamics Cetin Kiris
Delivered as DigiMat online course, largest online course in Sweden with 30000+ participants.
Johan Jansson (jjan@kth.se)
http://digitalmath.org (research environment)
*Leonhard Euler [1707-1783] one of the greatest mathematicians in history.
References - NASA (Branch Chief Cetin Kiris) recognition of Euler
[W-030 = Johan Jansson's Icarus/KTH team]
"As good as it gets" statement from NASA
New revolutionary way to learn math + coding.
Reach the highest impact (NASA aircraft, medicine) with creative learning activities for all levels.
Developed by leading scientists (Prof. at KTH, Sweden).
Just by learning a few basic algorithms, students can carry out and understand simulations at the highest level.
Covers the teaching plan, can be used directly in the classroom, no previous knowledge required from teachers or students
http://digimat.tech    Johan Jansson jjan@kth.se
DigiMat Pro
Our automated framework with high-level math notation now de-facto world standard, and is now available in a web-based environment (see above). Predict, visualize, inspect, modify the math source code interactively at the highest echelon in the world, e.g. electric aircraft in the Vinnova ELISE project above.
Learn Digital Math from scratch in our DigiMat program.
Success Stories
- Elected to IVA Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences 100-list
- Highlighted by NASA and Fields Medalist
- Pilot project with leading Formula 1 team, leading aircraft companies
- Johan Jansson and Icarus team co-founded FEniCS Open Source project - today de-facto world-standard for advanced math modeling - key component of Digital Math.
- Invited to World Expo with Vinnova and RISE - highlighted by Ambassador
- Highlighted by IVA and President of Association for Swedish Engineers as "possible solution to the crisis in Matte/STEM", and Teacher Magazine reaching all teachers in Sweden - close collaboration with Lidingö Municipality
- DigiMat Pro Sweden's largest online course 30000+ participants
- ELISE project for electric aviation - predictive design with Heart+Katla leading electric regional aircraft and drone startups in Sweden
Johan Jansson's role in ELISE to "develop next-gen aerodynamics software that will be used for the aerodynamic design of the aircraft." based on Euler breaktrhough recognized by NASA and Boeing leadership.
Excellent feedback from course participants:
Basic: "Super-fun way to learn math!", "I did not know so much about algoriths before, but now I've started to understand".
Pro: "Cool!", "Very exciting!", "It is good that the Digital Math computational environment and the theory are combined together.", “Hands-on
experience of manipulating codes that are applied in the real
world engineering problem.”, 90% recommends course to others.
Run and modify the simulations yourself i Run and modify the simulations yourself in your web browser!
Solving the reproducibility crisis with Digital Math. More detailed presentation and results:
Formula 1 - Pilot project with leading team
(joint work with Torbjörn Larsson former Ferrari/BMW Head of CFD)
CD and CL within 4%
Concrete project proposal
We reliably predict your aerodynamic design based on first
principles. You can trust the results, and use them for decisions,
optimization, redesign, etc.
We also deliver our Digital Math framework as the playful,
motivating DigiMat educational activities and online courses, a new
revolutionary way to learn math + coding, for all levels.
Contact: Johan Jansson jjan@kth.se
Icarus Digital Math
Revolutionary aeroscience: Reliable simulation with Euler*
Today the industry does not trust aerodynamics simulation - calls it "Colorful Fluid Dynamics"
Euler aerodynamics makes simulation reliable - direct simulation of natural laws
You can now reliably design, optimize, certify and innovate aircraft, wind turbines, ships, etc. in the web browser, 100x faster and cheaper than industry standard.
- Strong NASA recognition of breakthrough Euler aerodynamics from NASA Branch Chief of Computational Aerodynamics Cetin Kiris
Delivered as DigiMat online course, largest online course in Sweden with 30000+ participants.
Johan Jansson (jjan@kth.se)
http://digitalmath.org (research environment)
*Leonhard Euler [1707-1783] one of the greatest mathematicians in history.
References - IVA highlight of DigiMat
References - Swedish Engineers highlight of DigiMat